In a chilly night, she closed her eyes and savoured the thirst for everything she desired to have...
And there was such a need... an insurmountable need in mere arms length...
All she could not have by her own will, even though it was right there for her to grasp...
She closed her eyes and savoured the way her body trembled with what he could give her... and all he was giving even if he didn't give anything...
Between them words were unnecessary, because in their silence all that was necessary was being said...
And so much was said... mostly by what they didn't say... what they didn't need to say...
In an understanding that needed no words time went by... and each one on it's own way, they savoured it to the fullest...
They exchanged touches and silences... glances and smiles... in that blissful fuckfullness they discovered how to create one body that came to surprise both in it's delightful simplicity...
And then came dawn... she opened her eyes to the world... and to a life outside of that night of serendipity that was all she needed without even realizing it...
In her body she still felt the need for what she might never have again...
In her serenity she accepted the faith of what the uncertain future holded for her...
That future that could hold everything or nothing...
And even in those brief instants that her mind tried to make sense of what had just happened, she allowed her soul to wander in all the wrong reasons why it might even work....
Maybe it was that one body they had created... maybe it was just how wrong it seemed to be and how right it felt...
She realized she didn't care and didn't wanted to care... she just wanted the live in that bliss of not needing to know what is was the future holded...